Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The World Wide Web Revolution: Jobs Lost

How Technology is making the world a better place, and the jobs it is destroying the in process Time Magazine has a pretty good infographic on jobs that are becoming obsolete due to technology. Their list includes obvious things like travel agents, postal workers, video rental clerks, and photographic processors but includes some others that were a little surprising. On the list were office clerks, supermarket cashier, call center operator, and taxi drivers. With the advent of the world wide web, and subsequently the internet, people have been able to chop away at the "middle-man" that was handling even mundane, everyday things. Clerks are disappearing because clerical work has been streamlined by email and the access to a single document for alterations by anyone who has access to it; in many grocery stores, supermarket cashiers were given the ax because the efficiency and accuracy of a scan it yourself machine that can count bills, read and collect coupons, and charge credit and debit cards without any hassle; but the most significant job I am blown away by is taxi drivers. Taxi drivers are soon to be going the way of the dodo thanks in no small part to driverless cars. A few states in the U.S. have already been approved for use of driverless cars on their roads and highways. With access to wireless internet technology a driverless car can easily be flagged down with an app, drive directly to you, pick you up, and deliver you to your destination; no tip required and the absence of rude and smelly men and women. The internet has radically changed the world in the past 20 or so years and it will continue do so, mostly unabated. http://time.com/84780/technology-is-making-these-10-jobs-obsolete/

Sunday, November 27, 2016

3 Thing I Wouldn't Buy on the Internet

Below is a list of things I, and others, would not and should not buy on the Internet 1. Authentic Collectibles The vast amount of false certificates of authenticity online creates a breeding ground of unauthentic merchandise. Fake signatures, cheap reproductions, and blatant rip-offs exist online, and consumers buy these items especially in a time of greater trust and enthusiasm in online purchases. Cyber Monday brings millions of people online in hopes to find the perfect holiday gift for their family or friend and turn to many places to supply them with that perfect NFL player signed helmet or Cast signed production still. Only a handful of companies have the rights to verify the authenticity of a product and having your friend or family member scream in excitement, only to open a box containing a "Rushel Wilsop" signed Seahawks helmet or "Jakes Earp Bones" signed Darth Vader lithograph would be devastating. 2. Easily Perishable Food For the simple fact that it may get lost in transit and arrive at my home as a rotting mass of biological warfare. Fish, steaks, milk, cheese, ice cream all have to potential of turning quickly disgusting. I've purchased food off of both Jet.com and Amazon and have been happy to receive very the reliability in their delivery of non-perishable food items, so I am no stranger to buying things I eat online. But something just turns me off to the idea of something perishable spending more time in delivery than in my car ride home and then consuming it worry-free. Sickness due to meat or fish that spent just a few too many minutes at the wrong temperature and then my subsequent hospital stay both sound awful. 3. A Wife I would never purchase a human-being on either the internet or in person. So in turn, I would never search and then pay for a woman to be imported and delivered to my home with her permission or not, with the express intent of marriage. No matter what spin you put on it, it's still human trafficking.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Erik Hanburg Guest Speaker

Erik Hanburg Guest Speaker Erik Hanburg had some interesting things to say about how to be successful in today's world. He made the statement that in order to reap better returns, one must make the realization that you cannot simply have only one source of income. Being able to manage many smaller things rather than one big thing is essential to a person's individual success. Erik writes books, starts companies, holds elected office, and the list probably continues for a while. Long gone are the ideas that the "nuclear family," or even a one income household for that matter, can survive in today's American economy. And he is absolutely right. His insight into the changing landscape of the way people purchase goods online is very helpful in the way that i have begun to plan my future. He then talked about the impact that the internet has had on the way that authors have been able to bring their books to the public. Amazon, for example, created an incredible avenue for them to be able to release their titles with virtually no risk. That being said, he did say that a bad review, on Amazon in particular, can considerably hobble the chances the book has to be successful. But that seems to be the case with large scale releases as well anyway. Overall, I enjoyed his time with us. He gave us a lot of good information, as well as advice, about how he has been able to be successful, despite the uncertain and volatile nature of the internet.